Anja Johansen
Picture of Anja Johansen

Anja Johansen:

Dr. Anja Johansen has a long track-record of comparative historical research on police-public relations, police accountability, and citizens' complaints in nineteenth-century Britain, France, and Germany. She is particularly interested in patterns of long-term continuity and change in police complaints procedures from the 19th to the 21st century, and the impact - or lack of impact - of public outcry over police malpractice on the handling of police and the empowerment of complainants. In a broader perspective, her research compares police accountability within dissimilar political regimes, particularly whether and how democratisation has impacted on police accountability and transparency to the public.


Supporting Institutions

HWR Berlin
Robert Gordon University
University of Dundee
Cergy Paris
Universit  de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
University of Strathclyde
Kyoto University
Universit  du Qu bec   Trois-Rivi res
Goethe University