Hartmut Aden
Picture of Hartmut Aden

Hartmut Aden:

Hartmut Aden is Professor of European and German Public Law, Public Policy and Public Administration at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin) in the department of Police and Security Management and member of the Berlin Institute for Safety and Security Research (FÖPS Berlin). Since 2020 he is also Vice President for Research of the university. He studied law and social sciences at Georg-August University in Göttingen, Leibniz University Hanover and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris. He obtained his Doctoral degree from Leibniz University in 1997. Before joining HWR Berlin in 2009, he was Assistant Professor at Leibniz University Hanover from 1997-2005 and Senior Audit Manager in the German Federal Court of Audit (Bundesrechnungshof, Bonn) from 2005-2009. His research, publications, and teaching cover topics related to policing and security, human rights, data protection, public finance, and environmental protection. He is co-initiator and international coordinator of the research project Police Accountability - Towards International Standards (2021-2024).


Hartmut A., Schönrock S., John S., Tahraoui M. & Kleemann S. (2022). Accountability-Vorkehrungen für die Erfüllung von Menschenrechtspflichten der Polizei bei der Nutzung Künstlicher Intelligenz. In Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte 2, special issue: Menschenrechte in Professionen, 50-72. DOI: 10.46499/1859.2573

Bosch, A., John, S. & Aden, H. (2022) Unabhängige Kontrolle kann das Vertrauen in Polizei und Rechtsstaat stärken: Zur Notwendigkeit unabhängiger externer Begleitung und Kontrolle der Polizeiarbeit in Deutschland. In: Deutsches Polizeiblatt für die Aus- und Fortbildung 4(3), pp. 1-3.

Aden, H. (2021). Europäische Rechtsgrundlagen und Institutionen des Polizeihandelns. In H. Lisken, E. Denninger, M. Bäcker & K Graulich (eds.), Handbuch des Polizeirechts (7th edition) (pp. 1809-1905). C.H. Beck Verlag.

Aden, H. (2019). Unabhängige Polizei-Beschwerdestellen und Polizeibeauftragte. In: D. Kugelmann (ed.), Polizei und Menschenrechte (pp. 171-185). Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung.

Aden, H. (2017). Police governance and parliamentary police oversight in Germany. In M. J. Aguja & H. Born (eds.), The Role of Parliament in Police Governance: Lessons Learned from Asia and Europe (pp. 121-145). The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, DCAF.

Supporting Institutions

HWR Berlin
Robert Gordon University
University of Dundee
Cergy Paris
Universit  de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
University of Strathclyde
Kyoto University
Universit  du Qu bec   Trois-Rivi res
Goethe University