Kubo Hideo
Picture of Kubo Hideo

Kubo Hideo:

Dr. Hideo KUBO is a professor in the Faculty of Law at Kyoto Sangyo University. His major is sociology of law, and he is particularly interested in exploring fundamental questions such as why society needs rules and why rules are followed or broken. In accordance with these interests, he has conducted not only qualitative surveys but also quantitative surveys and analyzed the results based on Talcott Parsons' general theory. He has also conducted some practical inquiries such as action research, providing consulting services to Japanese companies and other public organizations based on the academic findings.


Kubo, H (2021) "A Meta-Reflection on Parsons' Theory of Science: Conflicts with Nazism over Norms", The bulletin of the Institute for World Affairs, vol.37.

Kubo, H (2020) "Death, Religion, and Law: Talcott Parsons' Insights on Individualism", Quarterly Jurist, №34.

Kubo, H (2020) "Field Research on Delinquency Prevention Efforts: "Overview" and "Key Achievements" of Explorations in Schools and Communities", Criminal Justice and Policing, vol.5.

Kubo, H (2018) "Social Change and Law in the Modern Era: Convergence and Mutation", in What Can We See from Japanese Legal History: Learning the History of Law and Order, Yuhikaku.

Kubo, H (2016) "Social Origins of Law and Rite of Passage: Conflict Management between Outsiders and Insiders in a Local Community", Japanese Law & Society Review, №2.

Supporting Institutions

HWR Berlin
Robert Gordon University
University of Dundee
Cergy Paris
Universit  de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
University of Strathclyde
Kyoto University
Universit  du Qu bec   Trois-Rivi res
Goethe University