Massimiliano Mulone is an associate professor at the School of Criminology of the University of Montreal, and a researcher at the International Center for Comparative Criminology. Working in the field of policing and security studies, his main researches focus on three different topics. First, racism in police practices, especially in the context of street checks and road interceptions. Second, police deviance and the oversight of police activities, mainly by looking at the police experience of surveillance and the narratives which emerge from experimenting complaints and investigation on themselves. Third on the commodification of security - how policing and security are progressively being transformed from a collective to a private good - and its consequences on the governance of security.
Researcher link:
Mulone, M. (2022), Police, Private Security and Institutional Isomorphism, in A. Luscombe, D. Silva & K. Walby (eds.), Private Influences, Privatization, and Criminal Justice in Canada, Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press.
Pérusse-Roy, M. & Mulone, M. (2020), Police, protectrice de l'ordre social (genré) : le cas des femmes militantes au Québec , Lien Social et Politiques, 84, 239-259.
Armony, V., Hassaoui, M., Mulone, M. (2019). Les interpellations policières à la lumière des identités racisées des personnes interpellées : Analyse des données du Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) et élaboration d'indicateurs de suivi en matière de profilage racial , Report prepared for the city of Montreal and the Montreal Police.
Mulone, M. (2019). History of Policing, in M. Deflem (ed.), The Handbook of Social Control, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 209-220.
Amicelle A., Côté-Boucher, K., Dupont, B., Mulone, M., Shearing, C. & Tanner, S. (eds.) (2019), The policing of flows : Challenging contemporary criminology, London: Routledge.