Sonja John holds a PhD and a MA in Political Science (Free University of Berlin, Germany) and a MA in Lakota Leadership and Management (Oglala Lakota College, USA). With her research focuses on Indigeneity, incarceration and intersectionality, she has lectured in Political Science, International Studies, American Studies and Peace Studies. From 2015 to 2019, she was assistant professor for Political Science at the University of Gondar and, then, Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia. Since 2021, she is researching police accountability at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.
Researcher link:
John, S. (2022): Stromaufwärts. Community Policing und Community Accountability im Oglala Sioux Tribe. In: Kriminologisches Journal 54(4), special issue: Defund the Police - zwischen Abolitionismus, DIY-Polizei und Reformen, pp. 312-332.
John, S. (2022). Das Denkmal gegen Rassismus und Polizeigewalt. Die bessere Polizeibeschwerdestelle? In Bürgerrechte & Polizei/CILIP 130, special issue: Kontrolle der Polizei, pp. 51-66.
John, S. (2021). Tod im Gefängnis. Wen kümmert's? In engagée Journal 10, special issue: Who Cares, pp. 72-74.
John, S. & Schmid, L. (2021). Lebensgefahr Gewahrsam. Die Initiative #DeathInCustodyDE über Kriterien und Grenzfälle. In analyse & kritik 671, 5.
John, S. (2020): Elimination of the 'Other.' Incarceration as Genocidal Practice. In Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 40, pp. 58-73.